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NEWS: Cyber Security: Combat Software Security Risks with McCabe and Bishop Consulting

PAPER: Security Risk Identification: 12 Application Architecture Categories to Review

NEWS: McCabe Software Teams with Global Quality Partners to Combat the Impending ICD-10 Conversion Deadline

NEWS: SD Times Recognizes McCabe Among Top Quality Assurance and Security Software

NEWS: Leading Satellite Delivery Solution Provider Selects McCabe to Increase Software Testing Productivity and Effectiveness

NEWS: McCabe Introduces ICD-10 Edition of Award Winning Source Code Analysis Solution

NEWS: McCabe Software Honors Top Rhode Island Finishers in Annual Cyber Security Challenge

NEWS: Leading Video Game Company Selects McCabe to Ensure Quality User Experience

CASE STUDY: How They Do It in Switzerland… Outsource the Code, Insource the Quality

PAPER: Improving Software Security by Identifying and Securing Paths Linking Attack Surfaces to Attack Targets

ARTICLE: Focus on Attack Paths Improves Military Software Security
- COTS Journal

Recommended Security Analysis Processes

Analyze the Attack Surface

Analyze the Effectiveness of Security Testing Using Path Coverage

Compare Complexity Metrics with Known Vulnerable Code

Video Library:

Control Flow Security Analysis Using Attack Maps

Path Coverage and Security Vulnerabilities

Document Library:

Security Risk Identification: 12 Application Architecture Categories to Review

Improving Software Security by Identifying and Securing Paths Linking Attack Surfaces to Attack Targets

Control Flow Security Analysis with McCabe IQ - Applying a Path-based Method to Vulnerability Assessment of the Microsoft SDL Banned Function Calls

Combining McCabe IQ with Fuzz Testing - how leveraging static and dynamic path analysis will improve fuzz testing and software security.

Complexity Analysis of Hostile Applets - Forensics: Using Path-Oriented Metric Analysis to Unravel Hostile Applet Algorithm Patterns, Signatures, Similarities, Authors and Derivations

Cyclomatic Path Analysis and Security Vulnerabilities - Learn how Cyclomatic Path Analysis detects more security vulnerabilities and errors in your critical applications.

More Papers

30 Day Free TrialSecurity Analysis with McCabe IQ

McCabe IQ is built for software engineers and security analysts who need to execute security or vulnerability analysis on complex software. Unlike other software security tools, McCabe IQ uses a path-oriented approach that enables engineers to understand interactions and verify exploitable paths within a codebase. This is crucial when determining exploitability, modeling attack space and performing vulnerability analysis.

McCabe IQ includes many features that can be used in the security analysis of your software.  We recommend that your processes include the following:

  1. Analyze the Attack Surface Leveraging Path Analysis to determine the reachability, exploitability, and impact of vulnerable code (including visualization and structural complexity metrics); to determine the effectiveness of the testing of that attackable subset of code
  2. Analyze the effectiveness of security requirements testing or security tool testing using path coverage
  3. Compare complexity metrics with known vulnerable code to identify additional vulnerable code

Video | Attack MapMcCabe IQ is a critical tool for your security analysis, providing an understanding of your software’s control flow relative to vulnerable and exploitable code, including Attack Surfaces/ Targets/Maps/Trees.

Many types of security analysis and security testing tools exist, but most are limited in their code visualization and structural analysis capabilities. Most current analysis methods are not flow sensitive, context sensitive, or object sensitive. This leads to imprecision and thus to a high number of false alarms. A false negative is when the same vulnerability is exploited without being reported. This can occur if the tainted input is propagated along a different code path than in the sample exploit, or if the overwritten sensitive value is misused at a different location.

McCabe IQ Attack Map

Typically, after a security tool points to a possible exploit, it is left up to the programmer to understand the code and design, determine the scope and nature of the exploit and then fix the bug in software that is often complex or, in other instances, developed by someone else. Security flaw exploitability means reachability and requires a security analyst to be cognizant of  paths within code and design. Tools that aid an analyst in triage activities such as understanding the attack surface, the useable attack surface and attack trees are invaluable to software security - no other solution helps you understand your critical applications like McCabe IQ.

If you already have security tools deployed, McCabe IQ augments those tools and related processes, and helps you take full advantage of your overall investment in the security of your critical applications.

McCabe IQ has been the preeminent tool for modeling control flow and path analysis for decades.  Its path-oriented nature can help you quickly understand the structure of your code and the testing of that code, as you analyze vulnerable and exploitable Attack Surfaces/Targets/Maps/Trees. McCabe IQ provides extensive control flow graphics depicting functional structure, class relationships, structural subtrees, and unit level flowgraphs. Its test path and execution code coverage information are tightly integrated and are overlaid on those same graphical views. 

Use McCabe IQ to analyze the attack surface, leveraging path analysis to determine the reachability, exploitability, and impact of vulnerable code (including visualization and structural code metrics); compare complexity metrics with known vulnerable code to identify additional vulnerable code; and analyze the effectiveness of security requirements testing and security tools testing using path coverage.

McCabe IQ supports over a dozen languages, including the most commonly used (C, C++, Java/JSP, C#, VB, Ada). McCabe IQ provides over 100 metrics out of the box, with a focus on structural metrics and code coverage, including the McCabe-authored Cyclomatic complexity metric. Command line scripting, utilities, IDE integrations, and enterprise level reporting exist for enhanced automation.

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  • To schedule a live demonstration or to speak with us about your software security requirements, Contact Us Here.

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